Sunday 31 January 2010

Leap Year - Szökőhév


This Friday I spent an afternoon with my sister of course shopping :)  and hanging out  some time together. After I realized that the medical shop, where I wanted to go directly, was closed we decided to watch a movie at the multiplex cinema. We agreed to see Leap Year, subtitled in Hungarian.
I have read reviews about this film earlier and more or less my opinion is the same. The film received negative  reviews from critics. This is a one-night film, you watch it once and maybe never again. However someone who likes romantic comedies may like it.  I do.  And I cannot let myself not to mention the amazing pictures of the wonderful Irish land in the film. On the moviescreen these pictures was more lively and admirable. I wish I could see those mountains soon. :)
Finally for those who likes The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain film with Hugh Grant I'm sure Leap Year will be loveable  too.. It's worth to watch it once..

Please enjoy its trailer in English with Hungarian subtitle

Zöldséges krumpliegytál

Ma ezt főztem:

Zöldséges krumpliegytál


4 kisebb (új)krumpli
1 marék zöldbab (zöldhüvelyű ceruzabab)
1 marék brokkoli
1 marék bébi sárgarépa
1/2 kaliforniai paprika
1 paradicsom
1 fej hagyma
2 gerezd fokhagyma
1 evőkanál olívaolaj

friss zöldfűszerek


Az olajon megfuttatjuk a hagymát. A krumplit megpuculjuk, negyedekbe vágjuk, és a hagymára dobva megpirítjuk. Hozzátesszük a fokhagymát, sózzuk, és fedővel letakarva 10 percet pároljuk. Hozzáadjuk a zöldségeket a paradicsom kivételével, és mindent puhára párolunk. Rádobjuk a paradicsomot, fűszerezzük, a tüzet lezárjuk, és a fedőt még további 1-2 percig rajta tartjuk, hogy az ízek átjárják az ételt, és a paradicsom is kicsit megpuhuljon.

Elkészítési idő: 30 perc

És ilyen lett:

Thursday 28 January 2010


Director: James Cameron

Sam Worthington       Jake Sully
Zoe Saldana               Neytiri
Sigourney Weaver     Dr. Grace Augustine
Stephen Lang             Colonel Miles Quaritch
Joel Moore                  Norm Spellman (as Joel David Moore)
Giovanni Ribisi           Parker Selfridge
Michelle Rodriguez    Trudy Chacon
Laz Alonso                  Tsu'tey
Wes Studi                   Eytukan

Avatar trailer

    Last week I had an opportunity to see AVATAR in 3D at one of the cinemas in Budapest. The story itself wasn't unique and exciting especially because I had seen it earlier (not in 3D) on computer. That is why I don't want to talk about the story much. (To read the plot please visit: But I was convinced that I must see it in 3D.  Well, I have to make you disappointed. In MY opinion in spite of its huge advertising and publicity it wasn't such a great or empressive movie.
   At the entrance everybody got 3D glasses. It was new for me not to get those paper ones with red and blue lens but plastic ones like real glasses. It seemed that I had a used one, because somebody got in a paperbag, but me no. Ok, I thought that nice hostess girl just wanted to make my work easier and opened it before she gave it to my hand. But at the end it became true that it was used, because at the exit those nice and slim hostesses collected back. I think those people who payed double price for the ticket just because of watching a 3D  movie could have got the glasses.
   In the beginning of the film - after the several trailers of new films, which I have to confess I love watching - the narrator said to put on your 3D glasses. And Avatar begins.... But where the hell is 3D??? I have seen a 3D movie before, but it was totally not like this. In this movie not all the elements were in 3D. I didn't feel that everything would have been in dimension. Some of the characters were just shown on the screen like in normal movies and some characters and elements were in 3D but not highlighted enough. It could have been more impressive and amazing where nobody knows which is the film and reality but in spite of it I couldn't wait to catch some parts of 3D in the movie. The battle part of the film when spaceships fight with dragons (or something like this) could be a very good part to make it in 3D and there is nothing. It is not enjoyable. Like watching a normal, ordinary Star Wars film. It made me very disappointed.
   The only parts where 3D was very good and well detailed the parts where some nature elements were illustrated especially the mother goddess called Eywa. These parts were also amazing without watching it in 3 dimension. But in 3D it was relly marvellous however just these shots from the film.
   In conclusion, unfortunately this film hasn't become one of my favourites. I would advise you to watch it, just you can tell then that you have seen it but I wouldn't recommend you to waste double price of a ticket to watch it in 3D. It isn't a big deal.  Maybe some of you have other opinions about the film, but I 'd like to tell you again that this is MY point of view and about the 3D version not the story and the film itself. I would really appreciate if you give your comments on this topic.


 Yuppiyeeee.. Today is my birthday. I became 1 year older. I lived a quarter of a century. Wow it is a lot. But I still feel young and shiny with full of energy. People say "You're only as old as you feel". I feel just the same as at 19. And actually I think, 25 is the best period for a young woman.

 All the time I can't wait to have my birthday, and never had happened to me before, but I forgot it today. I was awaken by a loud sms some minutes earlier than midnight in which an old friend wished happy birthday to me. And I schoked. How can I forget the day when I was born. Maybe because I had an exam today and I concentrated to that one. And accidentally or not I passed it!! Yeah. Finally. I couldn't have got a better birthday gift instead of passing it. Of course I had a birthday cake at home. My mom baked it. Check on it:

And on top of all it started to snow in the morning. You should know I love snowing. And it was so amazing and wonderful today. The snowflakes fell so densely and peacefully that I had the mood to go outside and have some fun instead of writting that test. Most of the people don't like snowing even winter. However this is my favourite season. The Nature is calm and silent, prepares to rebirth. It gives a good chance to take a big walk in the countryside. I regret that there isn't a close place for ice-skating. When I have an opportunity I always have fun with friends on the ice. Neither I nor they are proffessionals, just learning... I can't wait  for the next time...

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Looking for job Part 1-The beginning

   Since I've been unemployed people may think that I have plenty of time. However I haven't. This week is going to be a very busy time. But it was started with and interview.
   Yesterday I was on a job interview in Bp, I will see it tomorrow how it went. I don't like talking about these in advance. It depends on luck. First of all to go through on the first/second round, then to get in and finally to meet the requirements. It isn't easy. And a long procedure.
   I've been looking for a job since the middle of October, when I realized that there was something in the air at my company. I was looking job advertisments in my free moments at work, then I wrote my CV and started to send it to some companies.I didn't take it seriously, because nobody told me exactly that I will be fired. I think the first time I was called up on a job interview was in the beginning of November.
   I got my month's notice in the beginning of December. "Fine" - I thought- "before Christmas, Happy Holidays for You too." That day was the last round of the interview of the earlier mentioned job. I failed on it, they chose somebody else.After the last round. I became disappointed a little bit. I devoted so many energies to this job and at the end the result is: nothing.

    During December I can't count how many e-mails I have sent to different companies for different positions. But until the late beginning of January there wasn't any answer. Later my phone was ringing in every three hours a day calling for interviewes. Once, I went to 3 interviews in a day. Don't do this. Certainly, I couldn't make them. I mean none of them was successful. I am still unemployed.
   Today I called the Employment Agnecy to get some information, and I need to visit them in the beginning of February to register. I can just hope that I will able to find a job wihtout their help soon .I am started to feel a little bit desperate not to have my monthly income. I got used to it. And soon I must pay my university fee. But this is a new story...

Monday 25 January 2010


   My name is Piroska Serege. I'm a 25 year old woman, living in Kenderes, Hungary. I created this blog to share my thoughts with you. From today I have started to write my first Blog in my life both in English and Hungarian-sometimes in mixed languages.
I've just got to know making blogsites and I'm trying to develop and update  it continuously. I hope you will like it. Enjoy your reading!